Sunday, October 22, 2017

A response to some of the questions I've been getting...

Good morning everyone.  I have been getting lots of questions about this project over the past few weeks, and now that my journey is about to start, I would like to address these questions.  Most of these are answered in the first post about this subject, titled "a year of eating only what I grow;  the preparation"  on June 20th.  If you haven't read that post, you can find it in the margin to the right of this post.

The first one is about my water.  I am allowing myself to drink my tap water at home which I pay for and have not grown it.  I will use rain water if I can collect it safely enough.

Second is salt.  I will be buying salt.  There is a product called "Real Salt" that is salt that hasn't been messed around with and comes from the earth just the way it is.  I will be buying that because I cannot grow it or mine it myself.  I buy that from the amish store near my house.  I believe you can buy it from some grocery stores also.

Another one of my rules that I have made up for myself is that I can barter for some kind of food item once a month.  My bartering item has to be something I have grown or made, and the item I'm bartering for must be grown or made by the person I'm bartering with.  For instance, I can trade a wreath that I made for a gallon of milk from some one who has a cow.  The items cannot be from a store.  Luckily, I have several places I may be able to barter with.  I just have to hope they will want what I have to trade!  Lol.

Another question I get a lot is "Where are you going to get your protein from?"  Often, I answer that with (because I can't help myself) "Well, where does a horse get protein from?"  This is usually mind boggling for people because we've been taught for so long that you have to eat protein to have protein.  I do have my really great protein sources however...  I have my seeds, amaranth, for example is 15% protein.  Sunflower seeds.  Comfrey.  All are plant based proteins that will be totally sufficient.  This will have to be it's own post eventually because there is a lot to talk about here.

Calcium is another thing people think you can only get from dairy products, but spinach, and kale for example have loads of calcium.

Well, I think I've covered the questions.  I have 9 days to go.  I have been working the last few days on detoxing myself and weening myself off sugar again.  Tomorrow's post will be about how I do that.  It works for me.   I'm not an expert, but I know what works.  For me.

The weather has been warmer than usual for this time of year, so I still have fresh greens and stuff in the garden.  Hopefully my first few weeks I'll still be able to eat fresh stuff before I have to dig in to my reserves.  I'll keep you posted.
Charlotte peaking out from the corn stalks


  1. You found Charlotte!!!! :) <3 <3 <3

    Good Luck with your adventure. I hope you don't get sick or weak. :(

    Love & Blessings!

    1. Oh, yes, Charlotte wasn't the one missing, it was Cali, and we did find her. Thank you for remembering! I hope I don't get sick too. I will have the best nutrition I can get, so I should be fine! :)

  2. Do you have access to black walnuts for chestnuts?

    1. I will have to search the woods. I have acorns. But they are time consuming to make into something edible! LOL
