Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Bumps in the road

Why sugar coat it?  Honestly, I overestimated how ready I was for my 365 days of eating only what I grow.  But, as with anything in life, I learn from it and try to do better with the next thing.  I had a few things set me back.  I should have started planning this during the winter instead of mid summer after my gardens had already been planted. I had kind of a crazy summer too.  I lost the whole month of July while I closed my store.  I had crop failure on too many things.  Tomatoes were the most important.  Probably potatoes too, but I did get a few.  I planted some things too late.  Cabbages are a main thing for me because I can eat saurkraut 7 days a week.  Diversity is important, but I'm not going to waste my time on things I don't like.  Like sweet corn.  I'm just not crazy about sweet corn.  I do like corn bread and popcorn, so I'll grow some heirloom dent corn and popcorn.  You can still find some seeds that are non gmo.

So, I'm still glad I started this because I am off sugar, off caffeine, still no meat in 7 days, and I feel like I am all cleaned out, but I still have tons of work to do.  My future postings will still be related to eating what I grow, and I'll still be eating this way.  I'm feeling really great.  I think if I just keep posting lists of what I eat that day, it will get really boring to read.  (By the way, I put cooked butternut squash in a smoothie this morning and it was pretty awesome.)  So, it's still a journey.  The ultimate goal is still attainable.  And I get healthier and more prepared every day that I do this.

After all, it's not about having and keeping what we want, it's about the journey.

To be enchanted is a virtue.  Until tomorrow, everyone.  Thank you again for following.