Saturday, July 23, 2016

Antidepressant microbes in soil, using turmeric for pain and other ramblings...

Herbs, nature and healing with nature has always been my "thing".  I'm always excited to hear when someone else "gets it" too.  I recently read an article by Bonnie L Grant about antidepressant microbes in soil.  It's called "How Dirt Makes You Happy".  I believe it's on the website called gardening know  When you are done reading my blog, please look this up, it's very interesting. 
Some of my dirt that makes me happy :)
It's great that we can now re-enforce what our grandparents (or great grandparents) used to live by with a few studies and some science to back it up.  Even though I need no research backing the way I feel when I'm digging in my beautiful dirt in the piece of heaven in my back yard.

However, everyday, I'm disillusioned and even a little shocked at how the pharmaceutical industry brainwashes people into thinking they need a pill to fix them.  I'm not talking about serious illnesses of the body and mind.  There is a place for certain medications, but if "big Pharm" had their way, we would all be drugged up.  And they are winning.  They've got it now, so that if a patient doesn't leave the doctor's office with a prescription written to them, they feel they didn't get their money's worth.  And doctors are more than happy to abide.  Sometimes, even if you don't ask for medication, they give it to you anyway.
I was watching a rerun of an 80's TV show, and the doctor on the TV prescribed fresh air,  exercise,  and carrot juice for what was ailing the  character.   I thought it funny at the time.  It is drastically different now.  What is the difference in a doctor's advice in 30 plus years?  You guessed it,  MONEY.
Now disease is rampant in our society.  They are even calling things diseases that were never diseases.  "Dry eye" is a disease all of a sudden.  You've all seen the commercials.  (Unless you don't have a TV, bless you Elizabeth!)  Well, let me set you straight, people.  Dry eye is a symptom of something else.  Not a disease.  And I can guess that dry eye is probably a symptom of one or more prescription medications.  This crazy thinking would also make "dry mouth" a disease.  Well, it soon will be if they can come up with a medication to cure it.  Maybe they already have.   When there is something abnormal happening to your body, it is a sign that something is wrong.  Not that there is a deficiency in prescription drugs.  Your body is trying to tell you something, and you're covering up a symptom.  If you have cancer, do you just want to take a pill to cover up the symptoms, or do you want to cure the cancer?  Does that make sense?
The next time you see a commercial about a new pill, listen to the language.  Start thinking for yourself.  Use common sense.  Are all the side effects worth it?  Are you blindly believing what they say?
Taking care of yourself naturally with fresh healthy food, most herbs, grounding yourself in the soil, taking in exercise and fresh air...  all things with no negative side effects.  Healthy living is more difficult, but pills never cure.  That's why you have to keep taking them.  Pills will never cure anything.
Luckily, I am not the only one who can see through the lies.  If you go to doctors, instead of filling whatever prescription they give you, ask if there's an alternative to pills.  It may even surprise your doctor.  The more we say no to pill popping, the better job the doctors can do.  It's just like farmers.  They will grow what you buy.  If you choose organic food, they will grow more organic food, putting chemicals out of our environment.  (that is a very simplified example, the best food is the stuff you grow yourself, or purchase locally, etc)
I, myself, have a little bit of pain from standing on my legs all day at the shop, maybe some arthritis, minor aches and pains.  I have less now because I cut sugar out of my diet completely.  But, I have had tremendous results from taking turmeric.  In fact, my pain went away and it didn't come back.  I started taking turmeric and cinnamon, which are both great for inflammation, which is what arthritis is.  I do not take the concentrated capsules at the health food store, because they are often overpriced, processed and I cannot be sure they are not selling me ground up lightning bugs or something, as there is no regulations in these kind of supplements.
I do not grow this myself, but at least I can taste it and know it's the real thing.  Plus, sometimes the concentrated forms of these spices are very strong.  I'd rather help my body heal itself, not be dependent on something to make me feel better.  Sometimes, I think, those concentrated, processed derivatives of certain medicinal herbs are more harmful than the real thing because they're messed with.  People have been healing themselves with whole herbs for hundreds of years.  People now think they're smart and have to have everything strong to be effective.  It is just not the case.  Plus, the more you take something out of its natural form, the more side effects you could have from it, especially if it's a synthetic form of itself.  People always have to mess with everything  in nature.  I don't understand this.  I take that back, I do understand that it makes some people lots of money...
So anyway, I mix my cinnamon and turmeric together and put them in my own empty gel caps.  (You can buy these online, or I will start carrying them for people in the shop)  I hear that ginger is great too.  I'll let you know how that works.  Turmeric also has anti cancer properties when combined with black pepper so I add that too.   The nice thing about using real food to heal, is that you don't have to measure.  Just get it into you somehow.  If you're not a fan of taking capsules, use turmeric and cinnamon on food.  I figure I use about 1/2 to a full teaspoon of each herb per day for about 3 days on, three days off.  But this isn't set in stone.  I'm busy and I don't like nonsense.  When I get to it, I take it...  That's the great thing about herbs.  You just get it in your system and let your body and nature do the work.  No stress. 
Remember, nothing takes the place of eating really fresh, healthy food, but this can be used as an alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs or if you have a poor diet with little exercise. 
And...  I take this myself with zero side effects, but I am not a doctor.  If you are on medications, check with your doctor to see how these herbs/spices interact with your meds.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. 
Nigella flowers and pods

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